Here at Sawgrass Orthodontics, we’re dedicated to helping you smile even brighter, and that means we work for you, in and out of the office. Dr. Kristen Igualada-Heine and Dr. Penelope Reingowsky are always working to give you the tools you need for a happy, healthy smile for you and your family. Let’s take a look at one of our most popular treatments, Invisalign. There are a lot of clear aligner treatment myths out there, but don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.

Myth #1: Clear Aligners Are Only for Minor Dental Issues

Many believe that clear aligner treatment, such as Invisalign, is only suitable for minor adjustments and cannot address more complex dental issues.

The Reality

Clear aligner effectiveness has significantly advanced, allowing them to treat a wide range of dental problems, from simple to complex alignments. Sawgrass Orthodontics utilizes the iTero digital scanner to ensure a precise fit and effective treatment plan for each individual.

Myth #2: Invisalign Is More Expensive Than Traditional Braces

The Myth

A common misconception is that Invisalign care comes with a higher price tag compared to traditional metal braces.

The Reality

At Sawgrass Orthodontics, we offer personalized orthodontic treatment plans that consider your financial situation. The cost of Invisalign for teens and adults can be comparable to that of traditional braces, especially when considering the benefits of clear aligners, such as aesthetics and comfort.

Myth #3: Clear Aligners Are Noticeable When You Wear Them

The Myth

Some people hesitate to choose clear aligner treatment, fearing that the aligners will be noticeable and affect their appearance.

The Reality

One of the major benefits of clear aligners is their near invisibility. Dr. Kristen and Dr. Penny ensure that your Invisalign aligners are virtually undetectable, allowing you to smile confidently throughout your treatment.

Myth #4: You Can’t Eat What You Want With Clear Aligners

The Myth

There’s a belief that clear aligner treatment restricts your diet, similar to the limitations experienced with traditional braces.

The Reality

Clear aligner maintenance includes the ability to remove your aligners before eating. This means you can enjoy your favorite foods without worry. Sawgrass Orthodontics emphasizes the importance of proper care and cleaning post-meal to maintain your aligner’s effectiveness.

Aligner Treatment Myths

Myth #5: Clear Aligners Take Longer to Achieve Results Than Braces

The Myth

Some think that achieving a perfect smile takes longer with clear aligners compared to traditional orthodontic methods.

The Reality

The duration of treatment with clear aligners, such as Invisalign, often matches or even surpasses the speed of traditional braces, depending on the individual’s needs. Dr. Kristen and Dr. Penny use the iTero digital scanner to plan efficient and effective treatment paths for our patients.

Myth #6: Invisalign Treatment Is Painful

The Myth

The assumption that Invisalign treatment causes significant discomfort or pain is a deterrent for some.

The Reality

While any orthodontic treatment can cause discomfort, clear aligner treatment is generally less painful than traditional braces. The smooth, custom-fit aligners of Invisalign minimize irritation and discomfort.

Myth #7: Clear Aligners Are High Maintenance

The Myth

Another thing we here a lot here at Sawgrass is that clear aligners require a lot of work to keep clean and maintain.

The Reality

Clear aligner maintenance is straightforward. Sawgrass Orthodontics provides clear instructions on how to care for your Invisalign aligners, making them a convenient option for people of all ages.

Myth #8: Invisalign Is Not Suitable for Teenagers

The Myth

There’s a misconception that Invisalign for teens is not a viable option due to concerns about compliance and responsibility.

The Reality

Invisalign for teens is designed with compliance indicators and offers the same benefits of clear aligners to adults. Sawgrass Orthodontics has seen great success and satisfaction among our teenage patients.

Myth #9: Clear Aligners Result in More Visits to the Orthodontist

The Myth

Some believe that opting for clear aligner treatment means more frequent visits to the orthodontist’s office.

The Reality

In fact, clear aligner treatment often requires fewer office visits than traditional braces. Sawgrass Orthodontics leverages digital planning tools like the iTero digital scanner to monitor progress efficiently.

Myth #10: DIY Aligner Kits Are Just as Effective as Professional Treatment

The Myth

The rise of DIY aligner kits has led some to believe they can achieve professional results without the guidance of an orthodontist.

The Reality

Personalized orthodontic treatment by certified professionals like Dr. Kristen and Dr. Penny ensures safe, effective, and tailored care. Sawgrass Orthodontics warns against the risks of DIY treatments and advocates for professional oversight.

Aligner Treatment Myths

Call Now to Get Started!  

Clear aligner treatment myths can keep people from choosing this effective and discreet option for finding their perfect smile. At Sawgrass Orthodontics, we’re here to give you the facts you need to make informed decisions about your treatment. Whether you have questions about Invisalign, the specifics of your treatment plan, or anything else, we’re here to give you the answers and support you need. Your consultation is always free, so give us a call or fill out this easy form to head up to our Weston or Sunrise office and get started today! 

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